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24 Rankestraße
Berlin, Berlin, 10789

+49 (0)302115461


Kayee C EN

Kayee C (1983 Hong Kong)

Kayee is a fine art photographer born and raised in Hong Kong, currently living in France. She makes use of techniques of self-portrait and composite to create story-telling images to explore the dynamics of relationships on different levels. Her works can be humorous, dramatic or melancholic mises en scene of a variety of human interactions. She works alone without any assistance. 

Characters staged in her portraits range from complete strangers, friends, coworkers to family members, trapped in familiar settings from famous paintings, mysterious surroundings or entirely surreal dimensions. Her favourite subject above all is the paradox between social disconnect and our desire to belong.

Her main body of work consists of an on-going series entitled “Visual Guide to Social Life.” Other series are specific spin-offs from this core theme.

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